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Simon Of Cyrene


This is a monologue about Simon of Cyrene, who carried the cross for Jesus. It is fictionalized a little to create a personal story.

About 5 minutes



I want to tell you about a day that I will never forget.  I was in Jerusalem for the Passover and I took my two boys and a healthy little lamb and we were headed to the temple for the sacrifices.  I knew it would be crowded in the city, but I had no idea of what was happening.  I just wanted us to get to the temple safely.   The crowd was so heavy and people were shouting and pushing.  I wanted to make sure my boys were alright, and that I would not lose sight of them, and I told them to keep a tight hold of the lamb we had brought.  It finally became evident that we were not going to make it to the temple. The best option was to get out of the city completely, but we were forced to stand right there where we were and wait for the processional to pass.

Someone was being taken off to be crucified.  It was not something I really wanted my sons to watch, but what else could we do?  A group of soldiers came along the road and started pushing the crowd to the sides so that they could pass by…


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