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Slumber Party


Five teenage girls are having a slumber party and suddenly two of them pull out some liquor that they snuck in. This comes as a big surprise to the others, and one in particular voices her strong opinion.

She is mostly concerned about them dying without Christ, so for the first time, she openly shares her faith with her friends. They choose to ignore her and she leaves the party. A sudden shock ending comes as the girls get the news of their friend being killed by a drunk driver on her way home from the party.

Five actors. Just under 10 minutes.


(5 girls have met together for a slumber party and they enter with
sleeping bags and they start to unroll them on the floor.)

TARA: We’re going to sleep in here because this room is the biggest
and there will be room to put all our sleeping bags on the floor.

NATALIE: Your mom seems really nice Tara. Make sure you thank her
for letting us have the sleepover at your place.

KELLI: This is a great room! And it is so secluded! I wish we had
a basement.

TARA: It is pretty sound proofed, too. Mom said that this room
would be the best, so we can play music and make noise and it
shouldn’t keep anyone else awake.

JEN: That’s good. Remember last time when we stayed at my place? My
mom was in every 10 minutes telling us to keep it down!

KELLI: Yeah… that was a drag!

TARA: Well, my mom won’t be in at all. We already have everything
we need. I have munchies and cokes and there is even a bathroom.

JEN: It’s perfect!

BOBBIE: I’m glad my folks let me come this time.

NATALIE: Oh, that’s right. You never came before. Well… this is
actually only my second time.

JEN: Yeah… Natalie’s parents weren’t sure if they wanted her spending
the night with all of us. Even though we have all been friends since
Jr. High.

NATALIE: Yeah… my folks are kind of strict. I don’t know why they
gave in last time, but since it turned out okay, they were okay with
this one.

TARA: Besides, with Jen’s mom popping in every 10 minutes, how could
we have done anything anyway?

NATALIE: What are you talking about? What would we have done that
we wouldn’t want our folks to know about? It’s not like we do drugs
or anything.

BOBBIE: I think that was what my mom was afraid of. I told her that
Natalie was going, so she needn’t worry about that sort of thing.

NATALIE: You said that?

JEN: Your reputation is spotless!

KELLI: Yeah! You are the wild card, Natalie! We need to make sure
we have you with us all the time! No one would ever believe that
you would do anything…

NATALIE: Oh knock it off! None of us would do anything bad. Now…
my folks might not have wanted me to see that movie that we watched.
I didn’t tell them what it was about.

KELLI: That’s right, what they don’t know won’t hurt them.

TARA: Natalie, do your parents not let you watch certain kinds of

NATALIE: No, I can’t watch R and even some others. Like I said,
they are pretty strict.

KELLI: Nat…you need to live a little. I think you are far too
sheltered. Maybe tonight will be a turning point for you.

NATALIE: What’s that supposed to mean?

TARA: Yeah, Kelli. What are you getting at?

KELLI: I’m getting at this. (She reaches for her backpack and opens
it) It’s time for a little night cap! (She pulls out a bottle of
some type of alcohol)

NATALIE: Kelli! (Tara laughs in shock and Jen laughs too as she
grabs her bag. Natalie reacts more with horror and Bobbie just looks
at everyone else, not knowing what to make of it.)

JEN: I didn’t think one would be enough. (She pulls another bottle
out of her bag)

TARA: (Still laughing but still a bit in shock) Hey! If my folks
find those bottles…

KELLI: (Very confident) The empty bottles will go right back into
our bags. Your folks won’t be searching our stuff.

BOBBIE: Where did you get them? You can’t buy that stuff without

KELLI: Who says I bought it? My dad keeps a ton of this stuff
around. He won’t even miss it.

NATALIE: Is that hard liquor?

KELLI: This is really good stuff. My dad only buys the best.

JEN: Natalie…you can’t tell anyone we did this! It would mess it up
for all of us!

KELLI: Yeah, Nat…If anyone asks what we did tonight… this is the part
that you leave out!

NATALIE: You can’t be serious! You guys aren’t going to drink that
stuff are you?

KELLI: We didn’t bring it for “show and tell” sweetie!


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