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Syrophoenician Daughter


This is the same character as in the monologue: Girl, Possessed. This time we take it from the perspective of the girl telling her mother what happened to her when her mother returns home. So, she is talking to her mother and not the audience.


Syrophoenician daughter: Mother! Something has happened! While you were gone, something amazing and incredible and wonderful happened! It’s gone! It’s all gone! My life is changed! In an instant, all that is left of my former life is memories. The demons are gone. I don’t feel lost or trapped. I know who I am and where I am. I’m not wandering in that very dark place, alone. I finally reached that light that was always out of reach. The voices in my head that would tell me to do and say horrible things, are no longer there. You knew I needed help. You knew that I needed to be set free from the years of bondage in chains… that weighed me down and controlled my life. I have heard your prayers for me for years. I know how much you wanted to help me. When you left today, I tried to sleep. But I was restless… as always, tossing and turning and having those horrible nightmares…


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