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The Wedding In Cana


This is a short biblical story of Jesus turning the water into wine at the wedding in Cana. Only about 7 minutes long with only a few props needed. Just some large water pots, biblical costumes and some upbeat Jewish music for dancing. This is taken from the play, “Scenes from the Life of Christ.”

7 men and 2 women with extras.


(As the scene opens, music is playing and people are dancing in the
background. Jesus and his disciples are sitting in the corner
watching the festivities and talking and laughing, having a good
time. Mary is off to one side speaking with the bridegroom)

MARY: Congratulations. I am so happy to be here and to enjoy your
happiness with you. (The head servant comes up to the bridegroom
and whispers in his ear.)

BRIDEGROOM: Excuse me, Mary. (He turns to the servant and they
whisper together and then he turns back to Mary) I’m sorry. It
was so good of you to come. You have brought many friends with you;
I am so glad that they could come. I do want to meet them. Right
now I have a little problem, and I don’t know what to do.

MARY: What is the matter?

BRIDEGROOM: It appears that we have already run out of wine. At
this late hour, I do not know if we will be able to get any more. I
am really embarrassed that I did not have enough.

MARY: I’m sure it will all work out some how. Don’t worry about it.
(She crosses over to where Jesus is, and motions for him to come and
speak with her. He rises and crosses over to her in a private spot)
I need to talk to you about something.

JESUS: Yes, Mother, what is it?

MARY: They have no more wine. I was just speaking with the
bridegroom, and he is very embarrassed.

JESUS: How does that concern you and me?

MARY: I thought that you might be able to do something about it…

JESUS: My time has not yet come.

MARY: Alright. I’m not asking for anything. Just think about it,
Dear. (She walks away from Jesus and mingles about the room as Jesus
stands there and thinks. Mary approaches one of the servants who
has entered the room) Excuse me.


MARY: If my son approaches you and asks you do something for Him…do
whatever he tells you.

SERVANT: Your son?

MARY: That is Him right over there. He is headed this way. Excuse
me. (Mary slips off into the crowd again. Jesus crosses over toward
the servant.)

JESUS: I understand you have run out of wine.

SERVANT: Yes, I am afraid that is true. There seems to be nothing
that we can do about it.

JESUS: Fill the jars with water.

SERVANT: With water!? No one serves water….(he looks at Jesus and
stops talking, remembering what Mary had said, and seeing something
in Him that stuns him. He looks around just as another servant is
passing by.) Fill the empty jars with water. (There are six stone
water pots (twenty to thirty gallon pots) off to one side and the
servants bring in pitchers of water and pour them into the jars and
fill them all with water. Jesus watches them do it. When they are
finished, they look at Jesus as if for more instructions.)

JESUS: Dip some out and take it to the master of ceremonies.


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