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The Best Gift Of All

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(1 customer review)


This play is about a little girl who is visited by God during the night. A large portion of the play is the little girl on stage alone talking to God, who is only heard.

As the play begins, we find that Granny has come to live in the home of her granddaughter, Patti. Patti and Howard are concerned that little Abby will wear out Granny, but Abby and Granny love spending time together and Abby wishes she could decide what to get Granny for Christmas. She prays and God begins to speak to her in her room. This is the main part of the play, as God shows her scenes from the Bible involving the birth of Christ as well as Abraham offering Isaac as a sacrifice. Abby learns what it means to find redemption and can’t wait to tell Granny what she has experienced.

Cast of 12 (8 men, 2 women, 1 girl, 1 boy + 2 extras) The girl’s part is very large, God is voice only. About 30 min. Songs may be added to make a nice musical.



ABBY: A young girl who is visited by God in the night. She has a lot of lines.

GOD: This should be done as a voice only, so the lines could be read from a script, offstage and live.


GRANNY: Elderly, weak and in bed for all her scenes.

PATTI: Abby’s mother and Granny’s granddaughter.

HOWARD: Patti’s husband and Abby’s father.


SHEPHERD BOY: Young boy with a drum

SHEPHERD: The boy’s father.

ISAAC: A man in his 20’s, at the time of the sacrifice

ABRAHAM: Elderly, bearded, biblical father of Isaac.

BALTHASAR: One of the wise men.

CASPAR: One of the wise men.

MELCHIOR: One of the wise men.

EXTRAS: Mary and Joseph.

STAGING: This play can be done fairly easily by setting up a bedroom for Granny, and then changing the bed covers quickly to show a different room when going into Abby’s bedroom, but keeping the same bed. Perhaps a few furniture pieces could be moved or added. The biblical scenes could be done off to one side, with lights mostly showing the characters at the manger or just walking along, with Abby being able to get out of bed and actually crossing to them.

If you are adding songs, there are suggested places in the script to do that. No songs are included.


As the music dies off and Abby lies quietly sleeping in a dimly lit setting…
GOD (V.O.)
Abigail…(Pause) Abigail…
(Sitting up in bed)
What? Is that you, Daddy? Daddy? Did you call me?
(She turns on her lamp which lights the stage)
Who is it? I don’t see you. You better tell me who you are or I’m gonna scream!
GOD (V.O.)
Abigail, it’s me.
Me, who? I can’t see you.
GOD (V.O.)
No, you can’t see me…but I can see you. I can always see you. I’m your Heavenly Father, Abigail.
Huh? You mean….
(With great expression)
You’re GOD???
That’s correct. I wanted to talk to you.
How do I know you are really God?
Besides the fact that you can’t see me? Well, let’s see… your name is Abigail Irene Spencer, and you are ___ years old. Your parents are Howard and Patricia Spencer. You were named after your two great-grandmothers, Abigail and Irene.
A lot of people know that stuff. That doesn’t prove anything. You could have gotten it off the Internet!
A little while ago, you said a prayer in your heart. I believe you were talking to me, because there was no one else in the room and you didn’t say it out loud. You said, and I quote, “Dear God, if you’re really there…I want to ask for a favor. I know I should say my regular prayer right now, but I don’t really feel like it. So, I just want to ask for one thing. Help me get Granny the best Christmas gift. Amen”
Wow! You’re good! That is exactly what I said! You heard inside my head!
I know. So that is why I wanted to talk to you, Abigail.
Wow! I didn’t know you made special visits like this. Oh…can you call me Abby? Nobody calls me Abigail.
Alright….Abby. Now, about that prayer.
I didn’t mean anything by it, honest!
You didn’t mean your prayer? Now, I thought you were being very honest with me. I always know when you are honest or not.
Oh, I guess so, huh? You’re like Santa Clause, you know if we’ve been bad or good.
I’m not sure I like the comparison…
Huh? Oh, sorry about that. And I’m sorry that I didn’t feel like saying my regular prayer. Sometimes…
I know. Sometimes you just don’t feel like talking to me. I get that all the time. I’m used to it. But, I do love to hear your voice and I love it when you do talk to me.
I guess if I knew that you were really listening…
Of course I’m listening. I’m always listening. But I really want you to be honest with me. I want you to say what is on your heart. If you just say the same prayer all the time, after a while, that prayer is memorized and you can say it real fast and not really think about a single word.
I beg your pardon?
That means I am guilty of doing that. But I guess you know that, too…since You’re God and all.
Oh, I know. Most people are guilty of doing that. You would be surprised how many prayers I hear all the time that are just like that. So often, they’re just making noise. But tonight, you spoke to me from your heart, and that is why I’m here.
You’re going to tell me what to get Granny for Christmas? Because that would sure save me from a lot of thinking!
Not exactly. I know what she wants, but I want you to decide for yourself what that should be.
It would be so much easier if you just told me. I think it would save both of us a lot of time.
I have all the time in the world.
Oh. So, I guess that means you aren’t going to tell me.
Let’s talk about Granny.
Is she going to die?
It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment. That appointed time is up to me.
I won’t tell, honest! (Pause) I’m sorry. I guess that’s privileged information, huh.
Okay, so I’ll stick to Christmas. (Pause) I know! I will get a pad of paper and a pen, and you can give me a list of items, and I will pick from the list what I can give Granny for Christmas! Maybe I can guess the right one!
Abby climbs out of bed and goes to the night stand and opens a drawer and takes out a pad and a pen and comes back to the bed and hops on the bed.
Okay, I’m ready. Just don’t talk too fast because I still write slow.
Abby…let’s talk about gift giving.
I want to tell you about a gift that I gave a long time ago. My only Son, Jesus Christ was born in a stable to Mary and Joseph on one very special night.
Yeah…I know that story. I’m glad you brought that up because I have a question about that.
Well, was Jesus Joseph’s son or Your son?
I am His Heavenly Father, but Joseph was His earthly father.
I see. Wasn’t that hard for him to be the father of Your son? I’m thinking…what a responsibility! He must have been freaking out!
We talked about that. He talked about stuff like that all the time with me. I understood what he was going through.
Hey…when he talked to you…that was like praying wasn’t it?
Yes, it was.

1 review for The Best Gift Of All

  1. Rated 5 out of 5


    Oh my Goodness!!!! I purchased this play for our 2023 Church Christmas Play. We honestly had a perfect fit of characters for this play. It seemed every part I assigned to those that wanted to participate were actually going thru what their character portrayed! This was truly a But God moment & play! I highly suggest this one. Inbetween the scenes, we had the perfect songs to fit each situation. This was emotional, funny at times, and had such a wonderful message. There’s nothing we could have done that would have been better than this play. Thank you so much for the work you put in these plays and for making it so affordable for everyone!

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