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Where Is The JOY?

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Bertha and Sheri are two sisters who are planning a Christmas party. Bertha is very worried about things getting done while Sheri is more focused on her quiet time with God.

As you may have guessed, these two characters are based on the sisters, Mary and Martha in the Bible. As they try to work together, more problems occur and they finally realize that God has other plans and they end up inviting a needy family rather than their friends. There are two obvious main characters and a few extras at the end with just a few lines. The Christmas theme can easily be taken out for a non-seasonal time.

6 actors (all female, 5 adult, 1 child) About 10 mins.

BERTHA: Speaks 716 words. Patterned after Martha from the Bible.
SHERI: Speaks 678 words. Patterned after Mary (Martha’s sister) from the Bible
MOLLY: Speaks 75 words. Carol’s mother and very poor.
CAROL: Speaks 67 words. Molly’s daughter and very poor.
CAROLINE: Speaks 2 words. Carol’s daughter.
LOUISE: Speaks 0 words. Sheri’s friend. Walks in at the very end.

As the lights come up we see two women preparing for a Christmas party. There might be a table set or that could be offstage, and just a living room. Sheri is sitting and reading her Bible and Bertha is very busy getting things ready. She enters with an apron and looking a bit frazzled.

Sheri… how long are you going to be?
I’m having my quiet time.
I know that… I was just wondering how long it was going to take you.
You’re not asking me to rush my quiet time, are you?
Of course not… but I finished mine over an hour ago. There is a lot to do to get ready for the party..
Don’t worry… I’ll help you.
You bet you will! (Pause) So… any idea of when that might be?
Well, as long as you are standing here talking to me, I’m not getting it finished, am I?
Well, today of all days… please don’t take all day with your quiet time! We have so much to do and I can’t do it all myself!
Oh… Bertha Bertha… you worry about so much…
Now don’t start that! I know you think you’re Mary and I’m Martha… and that is so ridiculous!
Okay… I’m finished.
Oh… don’t let me rush you! You were clearly not done.
I can’t concentrate with you running all around working hard… so I might as well start helping. So, what have your gotten done so far?
Well, I have the table set and most of the prep work is done in the kitchen.
Sounds like you have things under control. What do you need me to do?
It’s a Christmas party, Sheri. Don’t you think our place needs to look more festive?
We have decorations up. I think it looks fine.
Well, I brought out another box of stuff… can you go through it and maybe put out some more?
Okay… but you tell me if it looks good or not. You’re better at that than I am.
She goes to the box and begins pulling out decorations and taking them around the room and putting them in various places.
Okay… if you’ve got that, I’ll get back to the kitchen.
Bertha exits as Sheri continues going through the box. The phone rings. Sheri answers it.
Hello? (Pause) Oh, hi Louise… how are you doing today? (Pause) Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. How are you coping with that? (Pause) No… go ahead, I’ve got time… tell me all about it.
She sits on the couch and gets comfortable. Bertha enters.
Who was on the phone? Oh.
Sheri looks up and then puts her hand over the receiver and quietly says to Bertha:
It’s Louise.
Oh no! That woman can go on for hours! Why is she calling today? Can’t you tell her that you have work to do?
Then I would have to explain what I’m doing.
So… we didn’t invite her to the party, did we?
Oh. Right. Well, try not to be all day!
(She shoots off a quick prayer as she goes)
Oh Lord… whatever is bothering that woman today, help her to get if off her chest quickly and release my sister so she can help me.
Bertha exits
What? (Pause) Oh… okay… talk to you later… I’ll be praying for you, Louise… good bye.
She gets up and starts putting things out from the box again. Bertha comes through with the vacuum cleaner.
What happened?
You’re off the phone already!
Oh, she got another call. It sounded important.
Wow. God even answers selfish prayers!

1 review for Where Is The JOY?

  1. Rated 5 out of 5


    This was such an easy skit to do. We did it for our womens ministry christmas party several years ago. I now have to come up with something quick that’s easy with not many characters for our church play. I remembered this one! By adding some songs and maybe alittle more adlib, this will be perfect. I highly suggest this one.

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