Cast of Two (a woman on stage and a man’s voice being heard) 6-7 mins
WOMAN (Talking to the audience) It seems like I am always running late! I’m under so much pressure with all I’ve got going on and I’m always feeling rushed. But there is so much to get done! You should see my ‘to do’ list! I know if I complained to anyone from church, then they would just tell me, ‘You need to spend time with God’. But I want to know, where is there any extra time to sit down quietly with God? I mean, I try, but in the morning I am always in a rush and in the evening I am just too exhausted. Then, I feel guilty when the whole day has gone by and I haven’t spent any time with God at all. Honestly… I just don’t have the time!
She picks up the Bible and thumbs thru the pages not looking for anything, but just letting the pages flip quickly past her thumb. This is done a couple of times, and then she puts it down and starts to leave
HOLY SPIRIT (V.O.) You have enough time in your day to get done what I have planned on MY ‘to do’ list for you today! She stops and looks around
WOMAN Who is that?? (More sheepishly) Lord is that you?
HOLY SPIRIT Yes! I have given you the Gift of Time.
WOMAN Gift??
HOLY SPIRIT YES Time is my gift to you! I have given you 24 hours each day. Do you know how many seconds that is?
WOMAN Well no, I never was good in math! And by the way, that’s your fault! You are the One who made me.
HOLY SPIRIT I will ignore that comment.
She looks a little embarrassed.
HOLY SPIRIT Ok let’s make it simple. How many seconds are in a minute?
WOMAN (Proud to know the answer) Oh that’s easy! 60.
HOLY SPIRIT How many minutes are in an hour?
WOMAN (Realizing she also knows this) 60
HOLY SPIRIT Now how many hours in a day?
WOMAN (Feeling silly) 24
HOLY SPIRIT Ok, you may need to get your iPhone out now and use your calculator. You see? I always give you what you need to accomplish a task!
WOMAN (As she gets out her phone) This phone? This was not a gift! I have been paying for this thing for over a year now!
WOMAN Sorry. OK, I’ve got it! I’m Ready! (Sheepishly) And thanks for the phone.
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