two actors (male and female, but could be either) about 7 minutes.
That high-powered magnifying glass reveals the secrets of the stamp design. No one would ever know that unless they looked through there. How did you know?
Oh, I read about it somewhere. It made me want to get the stamp for myself and take a closer look.
Those magnifiers are really something, aren’t they? It really brings things in close so you can see more clearly what you might miss otherwise. How strong is that?
It magnifies it 30 times the normal size.
So that isn’t as strong as the kind they have in science labs when they look at blood and stuff…
Oh no. If you put this stamp under one of those microscopes, then you wouldn’t even see the letters, you would see the elements that make up the paper.
Wow…so there are varying degrees of magnification, depending on how much you really want to see?
Right. This one is made specifically for looking at stamps.
Could you look at other things under there? Like…what about a hair? (She plucks a hair from her head) Try this.
Joe puts the hair under the magnifier and looks at it.
Here. Look at this.
She looks through the magnifier
Oh…it looks like spaghetti.
It just makes that hair look really thick.
You know…I was singing a song earlier. I think I heard it on the radio. But I don’t know if I was really thinking about the words. It was “O magnify the Lord”. I never really thought about what that means. I guess I was thinking it was like ‘praise the Lord’…or ‘worship the Lord’. But when you magnified that stamp…it was amazing. It was like so much more that you did not even know was there.
So when you magnify the Lord…is it like putting him under a magnifying glass? What would you see?
“The message of the skit is beautiful, it’s VERY WELL WRITTEN. As soon as we spoke the last line of the prayer in the skit, the worship began with O Magnify the Lord. Then my husband preached on how one can magnify the Lord. The whole service was centered on the skit and I must say, that it turned out quite well. Everyone in the congregation seemed to enjoy it too. Thank you so much for allowing God to use you in such a powerful and far reaching way. Keep up the good work. God bless and I’m sure we will be in contact again.”
Ellen Loos, Brick By Brick Bible Church, Williamsville, NY
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The message of the skit is beautiful, it’s VERY WELL WRITTEN. As soon as we spoke the last line of the prayer in the skit, the worship began with O Magnify the Lord. Then my husband preached on how one can magnify the Lord. The whole service was centered on the skit and I must say, that it turned out quite well. Everyone in the congregation seemed to enjoy it too. Thank you so much for allowing God to use you in such a powerful and far reaching way. Keep up the good work. God bless and I’m sure we will be in contact again.
Ellen Loos, Brick By Brick Bible Church, Williamsville, NY