
On Trial In The Court Of Forgiveness


A simple skit that only involves a few actors. There is an accuser (the prosecuting attorney) who has three criminals to stand trial before the judge. They say a little in their defense, but it is clear that they are all guilty.

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At the end, the judge forgives them all and sets them free. When the accuser objects because the law must be carried out, the judge upholds the law and condemns another to die in their place – himself. The play ends as the judge offers his own life in place of the guilty.

Cast of five. Any gender. More can be added. About 5-6 mins.

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Entire Script:


Written by Warren Sager


The Judge, The Accuser and 3 lawbreakers.


The scene opens with 3 or 4 people brought in and sat down in a row. They are facing the audience. A lawyer type enters and stands on stage right facing stage left. Because he is the one doing a lot of the talking, he can have a paper to read the charges from, that way it won’t be so much to memorize. A judge enters on the opposite side (stage left) of the stage and sits facing them and facing stage right.

This court is now in session. Accuser…who have you brought before me today?
Your Honor…I have before you today, people of disgrace and disloyalty to the kingdom. These are some of the worse criminals I have seen. They have broken so many of your laws and seem to have no remorse for their actions. These are blatant crimes against humanity, against themselves and most important, against you and your sacred laws. I say that each and every one of them should be punished with the most severe punishment that the law allows.
Let them speak in their defense. I will listen.
Lawbreaker #1, please stand.
(Lawbreaker #1 stands slowly.)
You have been charged with the heinous crime of theft. You were caught in the act of robbing one of the largest financial institutions in the kingdom. There were many witnesses present, and the stolen evidence was found in your possession. I cannot imagine what you could possibly say in your defense being that you are so obviously guilty. But you may speak.
Your Honor. I beg the court to have mercy on me! I know I was wrong in what I did. I can only make excuses. My parents were bad to me, and I got in with the wrong crowd. I’ve never learned how to live an honest life. I know that the punishment for my crime is severe and I know that I deserve that. I have broken a very important law. All I can do is fall upon the mercy of this court.
There can be no mercy for you! All crimes must be dealt with! There is a punishment, and you must take it. A law that is broken cannot be just swept under the table because the criminal cried for mercy. There are consequences. There is a punishment for every crime. You may sit back down!
Lawbreaker #1 sits and looks sad.
Lawbreaker #2! Stand up!
(Lawbreaker #2 stands.)
You have been charged with lying. You are a horrible liar and many lives have been effected and many are hurt beyond repair. I don’t think you even know how to speak the truth anymore. This crime is one of the worst crimes.
Worst crimes!? How could lying be as bad as stealing or murder?!? I just told a few white lies…
A lie is a lie, no matter what color you attach to it. The lies you have told have hurt countless people. It has effected their livelihoods, their families and relationships, and all done for your own personal gain. There is a law against speaking a falsehood, and someone as guilty as you are, having been caught in numerous lies, should be punished to the full extent of the law!
That’s not fair! I need another chance. I can stop lying. Really I can. You’ve got to give me another chance. I can do better. I don’t know why I have become such a liar. Maybe no one taught me how to speak the truth and how important it is. I know that there is a law against lying, but I have not been before the judge before…so I think your honor should go easy on me. You know, in baseball, there are three strikes before you’re out…
This is not a game! There are no second chances when you break the law of the kingdom! You are guilty and you must pay!
How much is the fine?
More than you can afford! Now sit down!
(Lawbreaker #2 sits, looking very agitated.)
Lawbreaker #3, please rise.
(Lawbreaker #3 stands up.)
You have been charged with adultery! This is a law that we don’t take lightly! The law states that married couples must remain faithful to each other and no one shall be physically joined together who are not married.
People don’t keep that law anymore. It’s a different world.
You may think that things are different and people don’t follow laws anymore, but the truth is, it is still the law and you are guilty of breaking it. How do you plead?
Not guilty.
How can you say you are not guilty? You were clearly caught in the act. Your partner in your crime has confessed and you have even admitted your guilt in your statements. You don’t have a defense.
My defense is that the laws should be changed. No one follows that law anymore. If everyone else is breaking it, then there is no incentive to keep it.
That’s no excuse. It is a law and all laws are taken very seriously. You must be punished appropriately.
That’s not fair! I know a lot of people who break that law! They’re not here! They’re not on trial! You need to be fair! If I promise to never break the law again??
That’s not how it works! You broke it, you pay for it. Every law broken has a consequence to pay. Now sit down and take your punishment. Now, your Honor…that is all I have before you today, but as you can clearly see, they are all quite guilty of their crimes and need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law. None of them have given any evidence to their innocence nor any reason to believe that they are not guilty and should not be condemned. I submit to you that they are all guilty and all have the severest punishment ahead of them.
Will that be all, accuser?
Yes, your Honor. Seems an easy decision if you ask me.
As the judge and the lawgiver in this kingdom, the final decision on the fate of these three individuals rests completely and solely in my hands. As all law abiding citizens should know, the laws are there for our protection and to keep us righteous and honest in all our endeavors. Just because people around us are breaking the laws, it does not excuse us from our own crimes. Perhaps we were not taught right from wrong or our past circumstances and environments have gotten us in bad situations…but these things don’t matter when the law is the law and that hasn’t changed. You are all guilty of breaking the law and the punishment is very severe indeed.
(The criminals all look scared and nervous.)
As you all know, as judge and lawgiver, I am also the Lord over all the land. All final decisions rest in my hands. In the good book it says of the Lord and lawgiver: If You Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with You, that You may be feared. For with the Lord there is loving kindness, and with Him is abundant redemption.
Of course, your honor, but surely you also require that your laws be upheld and that punishment be dealt to all convicted lawbreakers. Your law states that they must pay for their crimes against you and against the kingdom.
And the law will be carried out.
Very good, your honor. Lawbreakers, rise for your sentence.
(They stand. Acting very nervous.)
I hereby state that the three criminals who stand before me today are guilty of their crimes. However, they will not suffer the punishment for those crimes and I will now let them go free… forgiven of all charges.
(The three are elated with joy and surprise at this news.)
But your honor! You cannot break your own laws! The law states that they must be punished. These crimes must not go unpunished!
And they shall not. The punishment will go to another.
To another??! Who???
I will take the punishment for them. I will take their place.
But… but…your honor! The punishment for these crimes is death!
He steps forward to face the audience and stretch out his arms.
I will die for them. I will die but once, so that all might find forgiveness.

Copyright 2008 Warren Sager


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