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The Warrior


An angel describes his experience with the way people pray. He talks about going in to fight off the enemy and bringing comfort to the one praying and also how he notices that people pray with wrong motives or give up too quickly.

One actor. Only about 7 minutes.


You walk on stage, either dressed as an angel or dressed real nice…or
however you want.

MAN: Hello. You don’t know me, but I know all of you. Well, I know
a lot about you anyway. You see… I hear you at your most important
moments. I am a warrior. Not one in the sense that you might think.
I fight special battles… spiritual ones; I guess you would call it.
You see… I work for Him (points up) and I make sure that your prayers
are getting through. That’s right. My job is pretty simple really.
It is very rewarding. I have seen some pretty exciting things.

You know…prayer is a very mysterious object. I’m not sure I
completely understand how it all works. I kind of learn things as I
go along. It is amazing how many different kinds of prayers there
are, and then how many different kinds of answers He might give. I
wish I had some examples for you…. If we wait long enough, one will
probably come along… oh… there… here comes one now! (Looks down and
points) That’s George, there. He has been praying a lot lately.
His wife has cancer. You know, I never knew George before. He never
really prayed much. This sickness of his wife’s has really changed
all that. I remember when he first found out that she had the
disease. He was so upset and he started to pray. Well… there was a
lot of interference! He was getting it from all sides! There was
doubt and fear and even anger! When that happens, I have to get
to work… so I hurried right down there with my sword and I cleared
the room as quickly as I could. As poor George continued crying out
to God in prayer… I stood next to him and put my hand on his shoulder.
He became very peaceful. I love to do that…


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