Merry Christmas, Gran


This Christmas Play should be easy to do.  Only 8 adult actors.  (5 females, 3 males)  About 30-35 mins.  A somewhat sad story as the grandmother passes away and we see how her granddaughter handles it.  Works well with songs added.

SKU: 138 Category: Tag:

Written By Warren Sager

Amber and her grandmother are very close.  When she brings dinner over for Amber and her friend, they enjoy a nice conversation that quickly turns tragic as the grandmother suffers a stroke.  The rest of the story is about those in Amber’s life who minister to her during this difficult time of loss:  her uncle, pastor and parents.


AMBER: (Speaks 2793 words) A young woman who is very close to her grandmother

UNCLE JIMMY: (Speaks 1015 words) Amber’s uncle and Gran’s son.

BRIANNA: (Speaks 823 words) Amber’s good friend.

CARLENE: (Speaks 325 words) Amber’s mom, Gran’s daughter, Jimmy’s sister.

GRAN: (Speaks 269 words) Sweet, godly woman who has a special bond with Amber.

PASTOR MIKE: (Speaks 189 words) Nice man, caring and thoughtful.

DUANE: (Speaks 88 words) Amber’s dad.

WOMAN: (19 words) A woman from the church who attended the funeral.


AMBER I was telling her about all the fun we have making stuff for Christmas.

BRIANNA I hope you do that again this year and invite me over to do it with you.

GRAN Well, I’m sure that could be arranged. (To Amber) So, you haven’t outgrown that? I know you loved it as a child.

AMBER Of course not! Maybe that’s why I still want to do it… it makes me feel like a kid again.

GRAN Well, we always have a lot of fun. Someday, maybe you will be doing it with YOUR children.

AMBER Yes, and my grandchildren. I want to be a grandmother just like you!

GRAN Oh my goodness… how sweet!

BRIANNA What are some of the things you guys made?

GRAN Oh… we’ve made all sorts of things.

BRIANNA Tell me!

AMBER I think my all time favorite was when we did the ginger bread houses.

BRIANNA Oh! That sounds hard! GRAN It wasn’t easy! It’s a lot of work!

AMBER But sooooo worth it!

GRAN I think we had some of your cousins involved in that one. It was an all day project.

AMBER We’ve got some pictures somewhere. It was so epic! Let’s see.. What else have we done? Christmas cookies. Those are always fun.

GRAN One time I think we made pies.

AMBER Oh yes! We made so many pies! Pumpkin…

BRIANNA Well, you almost HAVE to do a pumpkin pie at Christmas.

AMBER We did more than one pumpkin. I think we did a regular pumpkin pie and then one with cream cheese, and one chiffon.

GRAN Boy, you have a good memory. Didn’t we do apple?

AMBER Yes! Apple with the crumb top that I love! I think we also did cherry and custard.

BRIANNA Was this for Christmas dinner?

GRAN Probably. We always have a lot of people.

BRIANNA I love big family gatherings on the holidays.

AMBER Oh! Strawberry rhubarb! I had never had it before and it became a new favorite!

GRAN Sometimes rhubarb is hard to find.

AMBER We’ve also made decorations. Gan is very crafty. I remember making candles… and making Christmas tree decorations. Oh! And fudge! We made the best fudge!

GRAN You love your fudge.

BRIANNA Fudge is so good.

AMBER We made a few different kinds. I think we did peanut butter.

GRAN You always ate all the peanut butter.

AMBER No, that wasn’t me, Gran. I’m not a fan of peanut butter.

GRAN I would get after you and tell you that you better not eat it all or your father will be angry with you.

AMBER What? No.. You are confused Gran.

GRAN But you did not stop and so I had to spank you.

AMBER Gran… you never spanked me. Are you thinking of Mom? Because she loves peanut butter fudge. And so did Gramps.

GRAN Your father would use the ruler… but I used my hand… or a spoon.. Whatever was handy… it was the best show. We never stopped watching..

AMBER What? Gran?

GRAN What?

AMBER What are you talking about?

GRAN Nothing. I wasn’t talking. (She begins to slur her words and slow way down and just sit and stare) There is nothing… I was.. Was… not.. There is not… you… why am I….? Susan…

AMBER Susan’s not here… I’m Amber. Gran? Are you okay? Gran?

BRIANNA Something’s happening.

AMBER She’s confused.

BRIANNA I think you need to call someone.

AMBER Gran? Are you feeling okay?

She looks at her but doesn’t speak. Then she just sits and stares at the floor.

AMBER Gran.. I think I need to call for help. Brianna, call 9-1-1.

Brianna starts dialing on her cell.

AMBER Gran, we’re calling for help. We are going to get you some help, okay?


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