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One Special Gift


This is a Christmas play for youth about a missions trip at Christmas time.  A small cast with the kids working for a church in the mountains.  One young man struggles with his attitude about why he even came.  He ends up finding the true gift of Christmas.

8 youth (4 males, 4 females – gender can vary) 2 Adults (one male, one female – gender can vary)  40-45 mins.  Easy to do with one set.

Written by Warren Sager

Concept by Regina Fowler


CODY: A bit troubled, bored, seeking. Really needs redemption. Speaks 1041 words.

JULIANNA: The adult leader of the youth mission trip. Speaks 960 words.

BELINDA: The oldest and most spiritual of the youth, a leader. Speaks 879 words.

ANTHONY: Needs a closer walk with the Lord. Gets upset with Cody. 560 words

DANI: Interesting background story to share. Speaks 457 words.

ESTHER: Also has an interesting story to share. Speaks 456 words.

HUCK: Sort of the funny guy. Speaks 371 words.

GRACIE: First missions trip. Speaks 120 words.

ISAAC: Huck’s friend Speaks 72 words.

PASTOR JOE: Gives the message. Speaks 1543 words.



Actors are entering the stage from all sides

BELINDA I feel really good about what we got done today.

DANI I don’t think I have ever worked this hard in my life!

BELINDA I know what you mean. I will probably sleep really good tonight.

DANI Me, too! Two boys are entering from another side

ANTHONY It’s going to look really good when it’s all finished.

CODY I hope they have more people to help out. It’s a lot of work!

ANTHONY Yeah, but I’m glad to be part of it.

CODY You look like you have done this sort of work before.

ANTHONY Yeah, maybe a little. How about you?

CODY Not really.

ANTHONY Oh? Well…You’re doing okay. Can’t tell.

CODY If you say so. Two young girls are entering

ESTHER Who were you talking to on your phone, Gracie?

GRACIE My mom. She keeps calling me. This is my first missions trip. She says she is checking on me to see if I am okay. But I really think she is missing me too much.

ESTHER Do you miss her?

GRACIE Well, yeah… but I really don’t think it is as much as she misses me! I think she is going to call me all the time!

ESTHER Is that what they call helicopter parents?


ESTHER Never mind. Two young boys entering

ISAAC Huck! Hurry up! We’re going to be late.

HUCK You worry too much. Just relax. Miss Julianna isn’t even here yet.

ISAAC When are we going to eat? I’m hungry.

HUCK I don’t know. Pretty soon, I bet. I wonder what we are having! Have you heard anything about what we are having for dinner?

ISAAC Nope. Nobody tells me stuff. Now all youth are near center stage. Some of them start setting up chairs for the evening session.

BELINDA Cody! How did it go out there, today?

CODY I think it’s too cold to be doing that much work outside.

BELINDA Didn’t you bring warm clothes?

CODY Yeah, I guess. But still.

BELINDA We will be doing a lot of work inside, too. Then it shouldn’t be so cold.

CODY This just isn’t what I signed up for.

BELINDA What you signed up for? What do you mean? Is this your first missions trip?

CODY Yeah. I guess I didn’t realize we were coming up here to work on the pastor’s house.

BELINDA Yeah, that is usually what mission trips involve. Helping out where help is really needed.

CODY I was looking forward to just getting away from home and enjoying the mountains.

BELINDA That sounds more like a retreat or a vacation, not a missions trip. We’ll have some free time, too. But a missions trip involves doing mission work. Not just having fun. I think we have some free time tomorrow… and tonight right after dinner.

CODY It can’t get here soon enough. I’m ready to have some fun.

BELINDA Well, it’s all about doing both. For me, it feels really good to be helping out. It means so much to this pastor and his family.

CODY Why doesn’t his church help? They should be the ones doing this.

BELINDA They are. But it’s a small church. People have jobs. That’s why we are here. To help where they can’t. You’ll see more people come around, especially over the weekend. I mean, the ladies of the church are providing all our food. And, of course, Mr. Bill, who is showing us how to do the jobs.

CODY Yeah, I guess. If I had known what was going to happen up here, I probably would not have come. Everyone just made it sound like it was going to be so much fun.

BELINDA Well, I’m glad you came. We can really use someone like you.

CODY There’s nothing special about me. I’m just a regular guy who likes to have fun. I hope to start having fun real soon.

BELINDA It can be fun… it also can be rewarding. Maybe you need to check your attitude.

CODY Check my what? There is nothing wrong with my attitude!!

BELINDA Hmmm… I’m not so sure about that. I’m hearing a lot of complaining.

CODY What are you? My mother?

BELINDA (Laughs) Hardly.

CODY (To Anthony) Can you believe her? She told me to check my attitude.

ANTHONY Yeah… that’s just Belinda being Belinda. She thinks that we should all think the same way that she does about stuff.

CODY Well, that’s not right.

ANTHONY I wouldn’t pay her too much attention. Stick with me… I’ll show you the ropes. I’ve done this a few times, now.


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