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Peter Tells His Story


This is a 10-12 min monologue of Peter sharing how Jesus changed his life.

One actor.  10-12 mins.

Written by Warren Sager and Gary Pendergraff


PETER:  I was just a simple fisherman, it was the only life I ever knew.  Then one day, this man called Jesus approached me and my brother Andrew as we were mending our nets.  He said to us, “Come, follow me and I will make you a fisher of men.”  How could I say no? For he spoke with the greatest of all authority.  We left everything and began following this man.  Our lives were changed forever.  He was always teaching us by examples and parables.  To understand the changes taking place in my life you must first understand what kind of man I was, always doing things and saying things without really thinking through.  However, Jesus was always showing grace towards me.

My name was Simon, but Jesus called me Peter. He called me the rock that He was going to build His church on.  I was confused by this statement, not really understanding what he was talking about.  But as time passed by my eyes would be opened.  One day, we were walking through a crowd of people when Jesus said, “Someone has touched me.”  I looked at him, complexed by his statement and said,  “We’re in a crowd!  Everyone is touching you!”  His response was really an eye opener; he said to me “I felt power leave my body.”  About that time a lady stepped forward, being healed just by touching his clothes.  So much power this man Jesus had! It was amazing!  Another classic moment: One night we were fishing on the Sea of Galilee when Jesus appeared walking on the water.  The others thought they were seeing a ghost, but I said, “Lord, if that is you, allow me to come and walk on the water with you.”  He said, “Come.”  So, I jumped out of the boat and began walking towards Him.  It was what I asked for, to be like him, walking on the water.  Suddenly, I felt the wind on my back and noticed the waves and how deep the water had to be.  I was frightened and started to sink, but Jesus was there and reached out His hand.  Pulling me up and setting me back into the boat, He looked at me and said I had little faith and had so much to learn.


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