Come Monday Morning


Ready to tackle a serious drama that talks about a lot of serious issues? This drama covers many topics through many stories and it all takes place within one church congregation. The main character in this play is “judging”, and practically every person in the story is guilty of it. As the pastor seeks to help his congregation and do what God leads him to do, we find out that a lot is going on and people are reacting to other people and events in a less than loving way.

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There are at least ten different stories intertwined that cover controversial topics such as suicide, abortion, homosexuality, infidelity and sex offenders, just to name a few. Most of the stories are not wrapped up in a nice little ending, but more like real life, and they are not all dealt with in the best manner. Some people react to what is happening in a loving and Christ-like way, and others simply judge, which is how most of us probably do it. When the pastor decides to ask his congregation to be courageous and seek help and ask for prayer, he finds out that there is a lot going on behind the masks that we wear as Christians. The largest parts are the pastor (because there is a sermon excerpt), a judgmental and troubled mother, a young man struggling with his feelings and his good friends, plus the choir director and a woman conflicted in her marriage.This play is long, just under two hours. (adapted from a screenplay) However, you can easily remove some of the characters and also their story lines which would shorten the play quite a bit. As written, there are 30 speaking parts (13 males and 17 females) 2 are children and 1 teen. Also extras can be used. Most of the scenes take place in either the sanctuary of the church or someone’s living room. This can be done by having your stage divided with the church scene on one side and the home scene on the other. That way you don’t have to take down the sets a whole bunch of times.
PASTOR MIKE WALKER: Speaks 2275 words. A godly man concerned about the needs of his congregation. (Age= 35-55)
KAREN WICKHAM: Speaks 1519 words. A happy Christian, but judgmental when trials come along. (Age= 40-50)
DARYL EMMERSON: Speaks 1374 words. A pleasant & outgoing Christian who is secretly struggling with homosexual feelings. (19-25, same age as Andrea)
ADAM BAILEY: Speaks 1396 words. Good friend of Daryl, brother of Andrea, soloist in the choir. Always ready to help. (19-25)
IRENE MILLER: Speaks 1208 words. An outwardly joyful Christian who is dealing with a difficult marriage. Karen’s best friend. (30-45)
TODD SANDBERG: Speaks 1110 words. Choir director, friendly and likable, married to Carolyn. (Age= 30-50)
ANDREA BAILEY: Speaks 1019 words. Adam’s sister, Daryl’s best friend & secretly has a crush on Daryl. (Same age as Daryl)
LEANNE: Speaks 987 words. Church secretary, smart & efficient. (25-40)
HARRIET BARBOUGH: Speaks 685 words. A very active member, gets things done & has a strong personality that often offends. Great character role. (40-60)
PASTOR GREG: 603 words. Associate pastor who is called on a lot to help when Mike is just too busy. (30-50)
JUNE WALKER: 589 words. The pastor’s wife. (35-55)
PETE WICKHAAM: 502 words. Karen’s husband, a good man with a dark secret from his past. (40-50)
CAROLYN SANDBERG: 452 words. Todd’s wife. (30-45)
FRANK MILLER: 429 words. Irene’s husband, a soul-winner, yet a controlling and domineering husband. (30-50)
SAM, THE STRANGER: 493 words. Comes looking for a handout. (40-60)
OLIVIA: 407 words. Burdened church employee (20-30)
VINCE CARTER: 405 words. A man wrongly accused. (19-23)
CARRIE WICKHAM: 377 words. Andrea’s friend (19-21)
BARBARA BAILEY: 358 words. Sweet-spirited mother (45-55)
SUMMER PARKS: 320 words. A new girl with a different fashion sense & a heart to please God. (20-30)
BOB BAILEY: 262 words. Andrea’s loving father. (45-55)
JO ELLEN ROBINSON: 230 words. Mother of suicide victim (50-65)
HANK PALMER: 217 words. Concerned choir member (40-65)
NITA WICKHAM: 191 words. 15 year old attractive girl.
MRS. EMMERSON: 107 words. Daryl’s concerned mother. (45-60)
AMBER: 68 words. Friend of Carrie and Andrea (19-21)
MR. EMMERSON: 48 words. Daryl’s stoic father. (45-60)
BRYAN MILLER: 44 words. Mouthy youth (10-12)
DENA MILLER: 24 words. Equally mouthy sister (8-10)
WOMAN STRANGER: 11 words. Sam’s strange wife. (40-60)
PHIL ROBINSON: 0 words. Jasper’s father (50-65)
JASPER ROBINSON: 0 words. Suicide victim under sheet


Various scene excerpts:

This week I had to do something that I never like doing. I conducted the funeral service of a young man from our church. Someone most of us didn’t know very well, even though he was one of us and we saw him here from time to time. There was obviously things troubling him, that no one knew about. Troubles so bad that he felt he couldn’t go on in this life any longer. We tell ourselves, “It was no one’s fault …no one knew.” I was his pastor. Did I help him? It’s too late to help Jasper now, but it’s not too late for you. Maybe you have troubles of your own. Maybe you have something in your life that you are dealing with all alone and you feel that you can’t talk to anyone about it. Well, I want to pray for you. Now, I’m not going to ask you to raise your hand or anything, but I do want you to tell me. You should have received a blank piece of paper in your bulletin today. Whatever it is that you are dealing with, write it down and then place it in the suggestion box in the back of the church. You don’t have to sign your name unless you want to. I will open the box myself and I will read them all and pray over them all. If you are hurting… you need someone on your side… someone praying for you… Jesus cares about whatever it is and He wants to help you. No matter what it might be. Maybe you have a secret sin, a bad habit, a terminal illness… You know, many of us are guilty of just coming here on Sundays and putting on our church faces. We smile and sing songs and hear a sermon and say hello to our friends…but come Monday morning, we are back to reality. And perhaps that reality is something that you are not pleased with and you know the Lord is not pleased with it. But He doesn’t want to condemn you, He wants to lift you out of your pit.


Are those the papers from this morning? Looks like you got a big response.
I did. I had no idea how it would go over, and it really did.
That’s good, right?
It’s great. But that means all these people are struggling in our church.
Your prayer list has just gotten a lot longer and you probably don’t even know who most of them are.
(He is not shocked, but just shows concern)
Listen to this:
(Reads them)
I am addicted to internet porn. (Picks up another paper and reads) I think I might be gay. (Yet another paper and reads) I am involved in an immoral relationship with a married man in this church.
Oh my gosh! I wonder who that is!
No…don’t do that. Don’t wonder. It will drive you crazy trying to do that, and it’s best you don’t know, anyway.
All those people are in our church!
There are a lot more like that. Many of them are asking for prayer for an illness or for rebellious children, and a few that want to overcome addictions to alcohol, tobacco or drugs. Just because people are Christians or they go to church, doesn’t mean that they don’t have the same things going on in their lives as people in the world.
So we have a gay person in our church?
It said, “I think I might be gay”. Sounds like someone who is confused and struggling with things. The fact that this person actually wrote it down is a good sign.


Thanks so much for doing this, Leanne.
No problem. I’m just sorry we didn’t get to talk much at lunch. I think we picked a place that was too crowded and noisy.
Seems like I was just too nervous to bring it up, anyway. Can I just tell you now?
Well, sure. Of course you can. I think we’re alone in here. You probably should get started, so it will get easier quicker.
I know, I should just say it, huh? Plus, we’ve used up our lunch hour.
Oh, I told Mike that we were having an important talk, and he said not worry about the time.
Really? He is such a nice man. You know, he has helped me so much. (Pause) Remember the Sunday that he had people write stuff on papers and put them in the suggestion box?
Oh yeah. I did one myself. Did you?
Yeah. I did something a few years ago that I just can’t seem to get over. It really bothers me.
And you need to tell somebody?
Yeah. I think I do.
Are you sure that I am the person who should hear this?
It doesn’t matter. The whole world could know. I don’t want the whole world to know, but the point is…most people don’t care. (Pause) I had an abortion.
I see.
Now you’re going to judge me.
No. That’s not my job. God is the judge, not me. And I believe scripture when it says “There is therefore now no condemnation…”
I quote that verse all the time. I have to believe that God forgives me for what I have done.
Of course He does. Now, you probably know that I am opposed to abortion. I believe in the sanctity of life.
Oh, I know. So do I. That makes it even worse. Some women can do it and not have a conscience about it. But it tears me up.
Did you know the Lord then?
I was seeking the Lord. I don’t believe I was saved yet. I think if I had the Holy Spirit, I would have known not to go through with it. Still…God was speaking to me… because I did wrestle with the idea. I just made the wrong decision.
I take it you weren’t married.
No, I’ve never been married. You think I will find a good Christian husband who will want me after what I have done?
Well…if he doesn’t…then you don’t want him, either. Olivia, I really believe we all have stuff in our lives that we wish we could go back and fix…or change. Stuff that we are ashamed of. Maybe we are still dealing with it. I think we are all messed up a little bit…in one way or another.
Some of us more than others.
Perhaps. Or at least we probably think we are the more messed up ones. But that is the beauty of God’s forgiveness. It doesn’t matter what we have done… He loves us and takes us in His arms and forgives us and assures us that it is all covered by the blood of Jesus.
Thank you, Leanne.


So, Vince…I saw you sitting with Rachel the other night…are you two dating?
No. Nothing like that. I’m just not ready for that stuff yet. I would really like to just forget the whole dating scene.
I hear you. I’m the same way. Well, I’m that way until I meet a really sweet girl and then I start changing my tune.
Well…you know me. I used to be really into girls… a lot! That was all I could think about all through high school. But I just want to concentrate on my walk with the Lord right now.
You know what I believe…the kind of girl who is attracted to a godly man, you know, a guy who is trying to put God first in his life… well that is the kind of girl that you want for a wife.
Yeah… it’s like you are both so into God that you barely even notice each other… but some how God brings you together anyway. But then how do you deal with the whole dating thing? I mean, you want to get to know her….
You sound like you’ve been there. My idea is to be friends. Make friends with her and get to know her in a group…as one of your friends.
Sounds like you’ve been giving this some thought. That’s probably good advice.
Pastor Greg enters
Hey, Pastor Greg!
Hi guys. Uh…Vince? Can I talk to you for a moment?
Sure. What’s up?
Greg takes Vince and they start to walk away slowly. Adam keeps his distance so that he can’t hear them.
Vince…I’ve got to ask you a strange question. Have you written any letters to Nita Wickham?
Nita Wickham? Why would I write to Nita…?
Someone has written her a letter that was full of inappropriate content…
And you think it was me?
No. I don’t think it was you. Your name came up because of something that happened with her sister, Carrie.
That was years ago! I was 16!
Well, no one is saying that you did it…but we are trying to find out who did and someone remembered that incident.
Hey…I learned my lesson back then. And I apologized! Do they think that I would do that again? My gosh…Nita is what? 15?
Something like that. But she is very upset and so are her parents.
What did the letter say?
I can’t tell you that, Vince. I just had to ask you. You can see why. You’ve denied it, so that’s where we are.
Of course I deny it. Man! You do one bad thing when you are a kid and it comes back to haunt you as an adult!
That was the only bad thing you did as a kid?
Why? What else do you got on me?
Nothing. That just sounded funny. I wouldn’t worry about it, Vince. I’ll talk to you later.
Greg exits. Adam approaches.
Things okay?
I don’t know. That was the weirdest thing. I made a mistake back when I was 16, and suddenly, they bring it back up and suspect me again.
What are you talking about?
Oh…I wrote an inappropriate letter to Carrie Wickham back when we were in high school. I got in big trouble for it. I apologized, and it was all over with. Needless to say, Carrie and I never dated. But I don’t think she held that against me.
So, what’s going on now?
I guess Nita got one, too, and so they suspect me. They think I’m writing bad letters to teenage girls!
Well you didn’t so I don’t think you have anything to worry about.
But they think I did! Someone told Greg to talk to me! It was probably Mrs. Wickham. She never did forgive me for that. That woman can still not look me in the face to this day. Talk about holding a grudge!
Come on, Pal. Don’t let it get you down.
You know what? Now I don’t even want to stay for the service tonight. When we’re done here, I’m just gonna go.
No man…don’t do that. Come on. You need to stay.
I won’t be able to concentrate. I’m not in the right frame of mind right now.
Tell you what…we’ll go sit in your car for a bit and we’ll pray about it. We’ll pray that the real culprit will come forward. Besides, you sound like you need some prayer right now, dude.
Adam puts his arm around Vince’s shoulder.


You creep! You big, lying, double crossing jerk! How could you do that??
What are you going on about?
You told! You told Daryl’s secret! Now he hates me! He never wants to speak to me ever again! I just lost my best friend because of you!
What? Did he actually say that? Because that doesn’t sound like him.
No…but I’m sure that’s how he feels. I can’t believe you told!
But I didn’t! Believe me, I didn’t!!
Then how did it get out?
It wasn’t me! I have not told a soul! God can strike me dead if I am lying!
Then how? He said that his parents knew and they cornered him and started asking questions.
They’re his parents…maybe they just figured it out.
Come on Adam! The parents are always the last to know!
It does seem weird.
He said they even knew about our conversation. And he said that Pastor Mike called and asked him to stop working with the junior high kids.
You’re kidding! He loves working with those guys! Why would Pastor Mike do that?
Because someone called him and complained and threatened him or something. I don’t know. Daryl was very upset. I tried to tell him that I didn’t say anything, but he said no one else knew.
Pastor Mike knew.
But he didn’t know that Daryl and I talked about it. Besides, someone in the church called Pastor Mike. It could be all over the whole church by now…and Daryl thinks it’s all my fault!
Come on, Andie…this is Daryl we’re talking about here. He’s like the nicest guy we know! He’s not going to be mad at you.
That makes it all the more terrible…because he is nice and he’s my best friend and he trusted me, and I broke that trust. I didn’t keep my promise…and I told you! Now everyone in church is going to know about his problem and I don’t know if I can live with that! I hurt him, Adam!
Man, this is bad. I feel just awful. Did you tell him that I know, too?
Yes. So, now he thinks that you told. And he’s mad at me for telling you.
Great. You and I are probably his two closest friends. How can we convince him that we didn’t tell anyone?
I just don’t get it. Did Mom or Dad overhear our conversation?
But that doesn’t sound like either one of them. Calling the pastor?
Then who?
Where did you and Daryl talk?
In the front seat of his car! Believe me, no one else heard that conversation! It’s as if someone planted a bug in my room or something.
Man…all I can think about is us losing Daryl’s friendship, and that is so selfish. What about what he must be going through? He won’t want to show his face at our church ever again!


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