Remembering Hudson Taylor


This is a 30 minute sketch about a missionary who just returned from China and a reporter interviewing him/her. The scene is broken up with short scenes about Hudson Taylor’s life taken from the play, “Hudson Taylor: Called to China”. The stage needs to be divided so that you keep the interview going on one side and do the scenes from Hudson’s life on the other side.


Cast of 8 with at least 4 males and 2 females. 30 minutes.


REPORTER: Oh my… the time. I have been enjoying our talk so much I
was not watching the time. My goodness, I don’t think I have heard
anything about what your personal experience in China was like.

MISSIONARY: I can share one of the most moving times… it was quite
amazing to me. Our team headed deep into the Middle Kingdom to a
village where there has been a church for some time. The roads were
bad and we had a very difficult time getting there in our bus. We
heard about another team that was killed just days before, when their
bus crashed. We went to deliver Bibles and supplies to the villages
and we desired to encourage the believers who were there. A doctor
was with us and prepared to give medical assistance. The church was
up on the mountain, about a half hour’s walk. It was early on Easter
Sunday morning as we started out.

REPORTER: I bet that was interesting…seeing how they celebrate

MISSIONARY: I was not prepared for anything that was going to happen
that day. As we approached the church, I could see a large group of
people up ahead dressed in traditional clothes. They saw us and
began to shout, “They’re coming! They’re coming!” There were about
one hundred people lined on both sides of the road and they were all
singing. I was moved to tears.

REPORTER: How long had this church been in existence?

MISSIONARY: About 50 years. An elderly man grabbed me and held on
to me as he cried. He said, “Thank you for coming all the way from
America to such a remote place! We have often heard of the American
Christian who came here and told us about Jesus. That was in 1936,
and no American has been here since.” I just hugged him and we both

REPORTER: Wow…that is really something.

MISSIONARY: No… hearing those wonderful people sing “Christ the Lord
is Risen Today” was really something! And the fact that none of us
got sick from eating the very strange food that they served…that was
something! But the most moving moment must have been when they began
singing, “God be with you till we meet again”. And when we left,
they sang along the road and a hundred people walked down the
mountain with us back to our bus.

REPORTER: That is an Easter that you will never forget.

MISSIONARY: Absolutely. But I think even greater than that
experience, would be when I was invited into a home of a family in
a village. The men smoked water pipes and drank homemade liquor.
Pinned on the front door was a red cloth. This is to honor the
guardian spirit that is thought to live just outside the door of
every clan house. Inside the house was a spirit altar and above that
altar was strips of “spirit paper” made with rice, and sprinkled
with the blood of a sacrificial chicken. Their spirit rituals are
everywhere. It is very sad. They spoke to me and said, “We have
been listening to the tapes you gave us. We have decided that we
want to go God’s way. We want to follow Jesus.”

REPORTER: Praise the Lord!

MISSIONARY: Yes! That is the blessing that we work hard for…to see
happen! Well, I guess we will have to save the rest for next time.

REPORTER: Even if it is not an interview… I would love to get
together again and just talk about what God is doing in China. Here
is my card. Please give me a call and we can set it up.

MISSIONARY: I would love to. Who knows? Maybe God is calling
someone else into His service.



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